Saturday, February 12, 2011

Love Drug

Whether you're in love? According to investigators, the love is sincere and pure emotion that can nourish the body. Really?

Well ..., which fell atuh love can nourish themselves with the requirements, should be stable and always felt comfortable with the relationship of love that is being executed. There are some feelings of love for health benefits,

1. You happier
"Being in a relationship allows your body to release happy hormones, making you always feel more happy,"

2. Better immune

Falling in love will give encouragement, endurance will increase along with his way of thinking. While depression or feeling sad makes you vulnerable to disease attack.

3. Eliminate aches and pains

If the aches and pains, someone who feels a sense of love and pain, the pain will disappear, or fade away. Couples will always provide a motivation that is against your self.

4. Increasing concentrations

Couples who love each other and care allows you to give new theories. This allows you to concentrate on something new. Thus can improve the way of thinking for the future.

"When you are happy, creative power will increase. Moreover, if mutually motivate each other, this would be something much better. Not only to relationships but also the success of the work.

5. Avoid stress

Women who are married or those who already have a lover, probably do not feel worried because they know that they have partners who understand each other and feel mutual respect.

"Mutual respect to the support system, helps you handle problems with ease, This will relieve the stress is reduced and the risk of high blood pressure becomes low,

Why the love can be a drug for human life, according to the author thought would love it more than anything else. As in other words, what if the love has grown body will feel refreshed, all the diseases that the body buried in lost eaten or swallowed by the earth.

If there is not yet felt the real love love love so much disease trends. Because it is a compulsion. What about young people today said puppy love, love the location, or so forth. Well if so it's not love but a sense of interest or liking for a while. Love is an outpouring of hearts that could not be stopped even with a posse though. Among other first time we went on again the problem of love today ... heheheheh.

Congratulations for those who have felt the love, and good luck with the meaning of love !!...

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